April 2025 Checklist
April 24: Library order deadline
April 30: Literacy Principal Checklist due
April 26: Non-instructional PD Day for EVB, JES and WLSS
April 29- May 3: NBJS break, school closed
April 30: Literacy Principal Checklist due,
May 1 – 2: FNSB Leadership Meetings in Whitehorse at the FNSB offices
May 1-June 15: School bus registration
May 3: Non-instructional day (KLS, GMP, TAK, GTC, CZG, RRS, SECS)
May 5: Red Dress Day/National Day for Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, Girls and two-Spirit People
May 8-9: FNEC Being held in Dawson City.
May 10: April’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
May 11: Moosehide Campaign Day
May 14-16: ASPEN Elementary/ k-12 scheduling
May 15: la journée de la francophonie Yukonnaise and Olympiade Culturelle
May 17: KLS closed
May 20: Victoria Day
May 21: NBJS closed
May 24: ELL Spring Spreadsheet deadline – send to Curriculum ELL Consultant
May 26: Literacy assessments (TOWRE 2 and TOWSRF 2) are due
May 31: Yukon First Nation Graduation, KLS closed
Review transition planning for identified students and CDC students
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Update teacher/EA egvaluations
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year