June 2025 Checklist
June 7: Last day of school for CZG, JES, SECS and WLSS. Hooray!!
June 10-14: NME10 Numeracy, LTE10 Literacy, and LTE12 Literacy Assessments
June 13: Last day of school for EVB and GMP. Hooray!!
June 14: Last day of school for TES, NBJS and RRS. Hooray!!
June 20: Last day of school for KLS. Hooray!!
June 21: National Indigenous People Day
Curriculum Materials Ordering Deadline
Skills Canada National Competition
Resignation/Retirement notice letter deadlines
Confirm transition planning
SWW data in Aspen (if done)
Submit special service pay for exams (high school assessments mentioned above)
Year end checklist
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions, janitorial concerns and summer capital projects