Beyond the Classroom Walls: The Personal and Professional Growth of Early-Career Teachers in Remote Environments

When many people study to become teachers, they imagine themselves making a difference by helping at-risk youths in inner-city schools or holding classes in large public school districts in affluent communities. But it should be known that every teacher has their own unique journey - and one environment that many teachers might not initially think of is instruction in a rural community.

Whether it's the first stop or the only stop in one's teaching career, a teaching opportunity in a rural environment is a unique, innovative experience for both educators and learners alike. It's a big reason why many educators have moved to the Yukon to pursue teaching opportunities. Situated in Northwest Canada north of the province of British Columbia and to the east of the state of Alaska, the Yukon is home to the 14 members of the First Nations. Known for its family values, culture and picturesque landscape, a teaching position in the Yukon and First Nations is an opportunity for educators to experience more than just professional growth - but personal growth too.

Read on to learn more about what it's like to teach in Yukon and why a remote teaching environment could be the perfect spot for you:

Challenges of Teaching in Remote, Rural Environments

Teaching in a rural environment is a lot different from what many teachers may have pictured when they were learning to become educators, but it's unique and beautiful in its own way. There are no traffic jams, noisy school buses, or long drop off or pick up lines. The schools aren't large and the technology may not be quite as advanced as it is in most urban public school districts. But the emphasis on cultural and family values - not to mention the unique needs of every student - is what makes educating in a rural environment like the Yukon stand out.

Just as learners find themselves as they learn and develop over time, teachers working in such environments can also find themselves when working in these remote environments. It's a big reason why many early-career teachers cherish the experience of working in them, whether it's to kick off their career or for many years of their career.

Gaining New Skills and Experience

With as much of an emphasis on book smarts as there is on living with and appreciating the land, teaching in the Yukon is beautiful in its own way. Rather than focus solely on reading, writing and math, part of the strategic plan as designated by the First Nation School Board involves the entire family. There's also a significant emphasis on the land and learning spaces, building community relationships and partnerships, and working together.

It's a completely different perspective compared to most teaching environments - and it's often what educators come to appreciate the most about teaching in the Yukon. What's more is that educators can become learners themselves - albeit in a different way.

One of the biggest things educators can realise from teaching in a rural environment like the Yukon is a sense of community. There's the opportunity to immerse into the culture and work more hands-on with learners. As a result, educators can often enhance their decision-making abilities, and build their sense of identity and shared values.

Think of it like this: Schools are a big part of the community in any area, but in rural environments like the Yukon, they're often the glue that holds communities together. You have to be dedicated and love working with youth to become an educator, and this caring and commitment to teaching is often only strengthened in these environments. The First Nation School Board also prides itself on offering the resources and support to help educators thrive.

Contact Us Today

For more information on teaching in the Yukon and the mission of the First Nation School Board, contact us today. With a mission to provide exceptional public education through the Yukon First Nations' worldviews, the curriculum is designed to be strength-based and community-centered. It's a big part of what makes the teaching model unique. All teachers are welcome to join a FNSB school, and all teachers are supported to enhance their strengths and thrive within this educational environment.

Contact us today for more information and to learn more about the unique, life-changing opportunity that comes with teaching in the Yukon.