Grade Specific Numeracy Resources
The following resources are currently available:
FNSB Year Plans (gr K to 8) - Align with the national mathology year plans (by topic), and add BC curriculum connections and other teaching ideas.
FNSB Math Teacher Resources (gr 3 to 8) - Combine Year Plans with student practice/exit ticket answers, show what you know tasks/unit tests and assessment rubrics. Available to FNSB teachers only (must be logged in with yesnet account).
Mathology Student practice books (gr 3 to 8) - Collection of all BC curriculum relevant mathology practice problems/exit tickets. Available to FNSB teachers only (must be logged in with yesnet account).
Mathology Line Masters (gr 3 to 8) - Collection of all BC curriculum relevant mathology line masters. Available to FNSB teachers only (must be logged in with yesnet account).
YFNED Year Plans - Developed by YFNED. Also align with mathology.
Coming Soon:
Grade 9 to 12 resources to complement moodle independent study courses.
FNSB Grade 1 Year Plan (PDF)(WORD)
Grade 9 to 12 Resources COMING SOON!