January 2025 Checklist
January 10: Operation/Management December’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
January 15: Operation/Management Health and Safety Quarterly Reports Due
January 16th: Human Resource Leadership Pre-conversation-check-in on actions items after 1st observation, 2nd Observation complete, Post conversations are complete
January 16-17: Professionalism Leadership days (New FNSB Office)
January 30: - Instructional Leadership Principal’s Checklist Due (see Literacy Update)
January 31: Community Empowerment: 2025-26 Calendar final review
February 10: Operation/Management January’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Prep Educators and computer equipment for YFSA’s
Arrange for change over for semester
Review teacher/EA evaluation processes and update
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year