May 2025 Checklist
May 10: April’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
May 11: Moosehide Campaign Day
May 14-16: ASPEN Elementary/ k-12 scheduling
May 20: Victoria Day
May 21: NBJS closed
May 24: Input raw scores for TOWRE-2, TOSWRF-2, and Core Phonics Survey assessments on
May 24: ELL Spring Spreadsheet deadline – send to Curriculum ELL Consultant
May 26: Literacy assessments (TOWRE 2 and TOWSRF 2) are due
May 31: Yukon First Nation Graduation, KLS closed
June: National Indigenous History Month and LGBTQ2S+ Pride Month
June TBD: YTA and Department of Education Retirement Evening
June TBD: TRAX Submission start
June 5: Last day of school for GTCS
June 7: Last day of school for CZG, JES, SECS and WLSS
June 10-14: NME10 Numeracy, LTE10 Literacy, and LTE12 Literacy Assessments
June 13: Last day of school for EVB and GMP
June 14: Last day of school for TES, NBJS and RRS
June 20: Last day of school for KLS
June 21: National Indigenous People Day
Curriculum Materials Ordering Deadline
Skills Canada National Competition
Teacher Certification Board Meeting
Resignation/Retirement notice letter deadlines
Permanent Paraprofessionals to be placed by May 15
Confirm transition planning
SWW data in Aspen
Submit special service pay for exams
Year end checklist
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions, janitorial concerns and summer capital projects
Review shop safety/maintenance
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Staffing complete