Principal Checklist Overview
June 7: Last day of school for CZG, JES, SECS and WLSS. Hooray!!
June 10-14: NME10 Numeracy, LTE10 Literacy, and LTE12 Literacy Assessments
June 13: Last day of school for EVB and GMP. Hooray!!
June 14: Last day of school for TES, NBJS and RRS. Hooray!!
June 20: Last day of school for KLS. Hooray!!
June 21: National Indigenous People Day
Curriculum Materials Ordering Deadline
Skills Canada National Competition
Resignation/Retirement notice letter deadlines
Confirm transition planning
SWW data in Aspen (if done)
Submit special service pay for exams (high school assessments mentioned above)
Year end checklist
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions, janitorial concerns and summer capital projects
May 10: April’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
May 11: Moosehide Campaign Day
May 14-16: ASPEN Elementary/ k-12 scheduling
May 20: Victoria Day
May 21: NBJS closed
May 24: Input raw scores for TOWRE-2, TOSWRF-2, and Core Phonics Survey assessments on
May 24: ELL Spring Spreadsheet deadline – send to Curriculum ELL Consultant
May 26: Literacy assessments (TOWRE 2 and TOWSRF 2) are due
May 31: Yukon First Nation Graduation, KLS closed
June: National Indigenous History Month and LGBTQ2S+ Pride Month
June TBD: YTA and Department of Education Retirement Evening
June TBD: TRAX Submission start
June 5: Last day of school for GTCS
June 7: Last day of school for CZG, JES, SECS and WLSS
June 10-14: NME10 Numeracy, LTE10 Literacy, and LTE12 Literacy Assessments
June 13: Last day of school for EVB and GMP
June 14: Last day of school for TES, NBJS and RRS
June 20: Last day of school for KLS
June 21: National Indigenous People Day
Curriculum Materials Ordering Deadline
Skills Canada National Competition
Teacher Certification Board Meeting
Resignation/Retirement notice letter deadlines
Permanent Paraprofessionals to be placed by May 15
Confirm transition planning
SWW data in Aspen
Submit special service pay for exams
Year end checklist
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions, janitorial concerns and summer capital projects
Review shop safety/maintenance
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Staffing complete
April 24: Library order deadline
April 30: Literacy Principal Checklist due
April 26: Non-instructional PD Day for EVB, JES and WLSS
April 29- May 3: NBJS break, school closed
April 30: Literacy Principal Checklist due,
May 1 – 2: FNSB Leadership Meetings in Whitehorse at the FNSB offices
May 1-June 15: School bus registration
May 3: Non-instructional day (KLS, GMP, TAK, GTC, CZG, RRS, SECS)
May 5: Red Dress Day/National Day for Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, Girls and two-Spirit People
May 8-9: FNEC Being held in Dawson City.
May 10: April’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
May 11: Moosehide Campaign Day
May 14-16: ASPEN Elementary/ k-12 scheduling
May 15: la journée de la francophonie Yukonnaise and Olympiade Culturelle
May 17: KLS closed
May 20: Victoria Day
May 21: NBJS closed
May 24: ELL Spring Spreadsheet deadline – send to Curriculum ELL Consultant
May 26: Literacy assessments (TOWRE 2 and TOWSRF 2) are due
May 31: Yukon First Nation Graduation, KLS closed
Review transition planning for identified students and CDC students
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Update teacher/EA egvaluations
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
March 31: Indigenous Languages Day
April TBA: Registration deadline for Graduation Assessments
April 10: Operation/Management March’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Transition planning for identified students
Update teacher/EA evaluations
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
February: Black History Month
February 10: Operation/Management January’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
February 14: Anniversary of Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow
February 23: Heritage Day
February 29: Instructional Leadership Literacy checklist due
March 10: Operation/Management February’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Conduct Kindergarten registration
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
January 10: Operation/Management December’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
January 15: Operation/Management Health and Safety Quarterly Reports Due
January 16th: Human Resource Leadership Pre-conversation-check-in on actions items after 1st observation, 2nd Observation complete, Post conversations are complete
January 16-17: Professionalism Leadership days (New FNSB Office)
January 30: - Instructional Leadership Principal’s Checklist Due (see Literacy Update)
January 31: Community Empowerment: 2025-26 Calendar final review
February 10: Operation/Management January’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Prep Educators and computer equipment for YFSA’s
Arrange for change over for semester
Review teacher/EA evaluation processes and update
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
December 1st: Human Resource Leadership finalized staffing plans 25-26 due
December 1: Community Empowerment Proposed 2025-26 Calendar Due to FNSB ( )
December 10: Operation/Management November’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
December 13: Polar Games registration Due
December 25: Merry Christmas to all
Within December: - Instructional Leadership online registration of students for January Graduation Assessments (High Schools:
Within December: return YFSA booklets to schools (From DOE)
January 20: Operation/Management December’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Collect Christmas holiday contact numbers for staff
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
November 6-10: NBJS break UPDATE
November 8: Indigenous Veterans Day
November 10: Operation/Management October’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
November 11: Remembrance Day
November 12: International Tongue Twister
November 15: Human Resource Leadership: deadline for all staff to complete the C3P training
November 15: Community Empowerment Rock Your Mocs Day
November 24: - Instructional Leadership YFSA (Grade 4 and 7) Booklets due to Department of Education
November 30: - Instructional Leadership November Literacy Checklist due
November 29th : Human Resource Leadership: Teacher evaluations: 1st observations completed, post conversations completed
December 4: Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day
December 10: Operation/Management November’s reconciled trust accounts, VISAs, and all expense, travel and petty cash reports due to FNSB Finance.
Kindergarten Boehm and EYE data submitted
Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns
Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
October 1st : Human Resource Leadership Staff meeting: Safer School presentation: training for all staff!
October - Instructional Leadership High Schools: TRAX submission start – TBA (support:
October Early - Instructional Leadership Kindergarten Boehm test arrive at schools
October 2-November 10 - Instructional Leadership YFSA Grades 4 and 7 assessment administration
October 10-November 9 - Instructional Leadership Kindergarten Boehm test Form E administered (Fall assessment)
October 10-11 – Professionalism LEADERSHIP Days, Whitehorse FNSB office.
October10-November 9 - Instructional Leadership Kindergarten EYE administered (Fall assessment)
October 13 - Instructional Leadership ELL Fall Spreadsheet deadline (Send to Curriculum ELL Consultant
October 14th – Thanksgiving Day
October 15 - Operation/Management Health and Safety Quarterly Reports Due (July-September)
October 15 - Instructional Leadership High Schools: Interim Marks entered in ASPEN for TRAX
October 15 – Instructional Leadership deadline to ensure IEPs active in ASPEN
October 15 - Instructional Leadership Current IEPs active in ASPEN
October 16 - Instructional Leadership share the October version of the checklist with your gr. 1-3 teachers, Literacy Teacher, and LATs so that they can refer to it ahead of the October 30 deadline.
October 16- Learning Environment: SOGI: share the name(s) of the staff member(s) that are safe contacts in your school as well as information regarding your safe spaces (i.e. counsellor's office, rainbow room etc.). Send to Melissa Flynn.
October 30- Instructional Leadership (October) literacy checklist deadline
October 30-November 3 - Instructional Leadership Grade 10 Literacy Assessment (LTE10) 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
October 30-November 3 - Instructional Leadership Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment (NME10) 8:00 am - 4:00pm
October 30-November 3 - Instructional Leadership Grade 12 Literacy Assessment (LTE12) 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
October 31st – Please send photos!
November 10 – Operation/Management all September petty cash, trust accounts and VISA forms due to FNSB Finance
Operation/Management Review budgets and potential cost pressures
Operation/Management Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns: Facility Management Sharepoint site
Instructional Leadership SWW completed/entered into the AMS portal (optional)
Human Resource Leadership Update Teacher/EA Evaluation
Operation/Management Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Operation/Management Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
September 15 – Operation/Management Trust Account Reconciliation and bank statements as per email from FNSB Finance;
September 22 (check date) - Instructional Leadership Administration and data entry of the TOWRE-2 and TOSWRF-2 Literacy screening tools are due
September 22 – Operation/Management Update all Apple Devices (see YG updates below for details) Will this still be applicable this year? Info will be with ITSS.
September 24/25 – Community Empowerment: these are the last days of school before National Truth and Reconciliation day. What is your school doing to commemorate this important day? Please connect with your First Nations Education team to plan.
September 25 – FNSB AGM – Grey Mountain
September 26-27 – YAEP conference
October 1st – Human Resource Leadership: Teacher Evaluations: Initial meetings have taken place, Teachers Self-evaluations are due
October 1st – Instructional Leadership: 90-minute Literacy Block Checklist meeting completed with every K-3 teacher
October 1st – Operation/Management: Emergency Plans due to the Department (see YG updates below for details)
September 24- Operation/Management: Joint Health and Safety Committees must be established and the first meeting must be held (see YG updates below for details)
October 5 and 6 – Community Empowerment: FNSB Admin days (more information to come)
October 10th – Operation/Management all September petty cash, trust accounts and VISA forms due to FNSB Finance
Operation/Management ASPEN enrollment completed (support:
Operation/Management Occupational Health and Safety Committee formed and list of representatives sent to (information at
Operation/Management Review facility conditions and janitorial concerns : (send concerns to HPW through Arcibus
Confirm list of staff to complete C3P training
Operation/Management Plan for Fire Drills: 3 required First Semester and 3 required Second Semester
Operation/Management Plan for Earthquake, Lockdown and Hold and Secure Drill: 1 required per year
August 20-22: ED camp (everyone except St. Elias) – Going with a Full Heart – Kwanlin Dunn Centre Whitehorse
August 26-28 – ED camp – St Elias team – Haines Junction
August – Community Empowerment Communication to School community - Calendar, introduction to staff, What to expect on the first day